Dec 9, 2009

We're trying.

Rachael Jones is awesome. Meeting to talk about an Invisible Children screening was the beginning of a fantastic friendship. I know, it sounds so corny. But really. She has become one of my best friends, and I don't know what I would do with out her.

What I do know, is that Covenant's Invisible Children Chapter would not be what it is. Her passion for this cause is mind blowing. She not only cares, she legitimately wants to fix it. If she ruled the world, Joseph Kony would be the first person to be terminated. Followed by people in charge of child slavery and Wal-Mart. Then sex traffickers. Basically what I'm trying to say is that God has blessed her with a heart for these things, and I pray that it will only continue to grow. She will do fantastic things for the Kingdom, and I'm so happy to be her friend and have the pleasure of sharing it with her.

Rachael Jones, with her typical thumbs up awesomeness. Next to me, who looks ridiculous.

We want to change the world. We want to stop this war. We're trying.

Rachael, I love and appreciate you so much.

Dec 8, 2009


I am content here.

My heart is there.

Can I please go back?

Dec 6, 2009


This word has become the word I use most often in convincing myself to do my work. Exam week is fast approaching, and I have 4 exams, 4 papers, 500 pages to read, and 10 journals to do, and $500 to help raise for Invisible Children. Yes, I am behind. Yes, it's my fault. Yes, I am TERRIBLE at managing my time. I am stressed beyond words. I already live off of Diet Coke and coffee. I should probably just get an IV.

On the other hand, I have wonderful friends. I have a roommate, whom I dearly love, that is getting married. Which really just means we're hanging out a lot before she peace's out. I have dinner dates, and lunch dates, and coffee dates, and I love each of them. I want to dedicate my time to them, but I have too much stuff to do.

2 more years. 4 more semesters. (or 5, if I study abroad and graduate when everyone else does.) That's it. I need to enjoy it. But I need to make good grades more than I need to enjoy it.

In other words, I need to FOCUS.

Oh, and I love frosted animal cookies. And waking up to snow outside of my window. And Panera with Pvirg. And fair trade coffee with Rachael. Just sayin.