Last Friday, January 29th, Dr. Ward spoke in chapel. The Covenant student body welcomed him with a warm and excited applause, and his message on Lamentations was excellent. As he dismissed us and everyone got up to leave, Chaplain Messner ran up on stage and announced that because of the threat of inclement weather, the school would be closing at 11:45 a.m.
I have never heard Covenant so excited in my life.
As we walked out of chapel, it started snowing. Within an hour, we had an inch sticking to the ground. Snow continued falling throughout the afternoon.
By nighttime, Covenant was representative of a real life Narnia. It appeared to be a scene straight from the beginning of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Our feet sank into the snow as we walked and ice was covering the trees. It was breathtaking.
The beginnings.
Ice covered trees.
Blue skies.
It was something I have never experienced, and something I may never experience again. Might as well document it.