Oct 18, 2013

the day I married my best friend.

falling asleep last night, j and i talked about being best friends. we talked about how thankful we are because our relationship was built on the foundation of a two year long friendship. he told me that he knows everyone says they marry their best friends, but that some best friends are just closer than others. and we are a little biased in thinking that we are the closest.

almost three months in, we have seen more bad things about each other than we thought possible. we have gotten angry over things that don't matter and said things that cut to the core. but oh man, am i crazy about my husband. i didn't know it was physically possible to love someone as much as i love him. we know that these months are building the foundation for the rest of our lives, and we are striving to share our hearts, forgive quickly, and love deeply.

so. the day i married my best friend was magical and beautiful and marvelous. we had our wonderful friends, Juliet Cangelosi and Christina Schuman, capture our day, and they did a perfect job.


Photo Locations: Covenant Presbyterian Church, downtown Chattanooga, the Ringgold Depot, and Sunset Rock.

For more photos, check out my Facebook.

Oct 3, 2013


Throw back Thursday. It's happening right here.

26 years ago today, this happened.

Happy anniversary to the most wonderful parents I could have asked for. Their marriage has served as a beautiful example of Christ's love. So thankful for them.

Oct 2, 2013


I've found myself just living lately. Going through the motions, and jot really taking time to enjoy or to pay attention to the beauty in life. I'm not a fan.

After praying through this for a while now, I'm beginning to see more and more what Ann Voskamp talks about in One Thousand Gifts. It's the Eucharisteo, the giving thanks, that makes the difference. When I celebrate the little things, I have the opportunity to acknowledge God's work. 

This month, I want to do more of this. More thanking, more praying, more acknowledging.