This week was wonderful.
Sunday night- We had a Gilmore Girls night. Dee (who is quoted as saying that she has three lunatics living with her. David Moore's response: That makes four Lunatics in one house. (: ) has all 7 seasons. Heather (the youth director at KPC) and Katie, one of the girls here, came over and we got a few episodes in before bed.
Monday- I slept until 10:45, and then spent some time at the house reading, talking to my parents and responding to emails while everyone else went running. It was an awesome relaxing morning. Monday afternoon we did some shopping in town and had fish and chips for lunch.
Me and Brittany
Capone and Suzy
Fish and Chips
Monday night, we went with David Moore and Ande to a Bible study at Cahir Presbyterian Church. The church doesn't have a pastor because it is so small, so more of the pastors in surrounding towns are helping to lead this Bible study. The study was on Psalm 22, and we compared it to Jesus' death on the cross. Very cool passage. Check it out if you have a minute. Cahir Castle is beautiful, and we got some great pictures.
Cahir Castle
Team Ireland
Tuesday- We lead an assembly at The Model School, one of the local schools. We sang "Every Move I Make" and taught the kids the actions (NOT motions.) The kids did a skit of the story of Lazarus, and it was awesome. They were all dressed up and everything. Caleb spent some time discussing resurrection, and how both Jesus and Lazarus were resurrected. Then Brittany sang another song. IT was the tenth anniversary of the school being in the building they were in, so the kids got an extra recess after the assembly and we got cake and tea with the teachers. Toddler group at the church was right after the assembly. Then we had a quick lunch break and headed back to the church to do some clean up. I ended up going to Lidl's, a cheap grocery store, with Heather to get food for the sleepover. Brittany and Caleb made some fantastic banana pancakes for dinner.
Oh the sleepover. It's been a while since the last time I stayed up until 5 in the morning. The night was spent talking about God, boys, what God thinks about boys, and more boys. I mean, what else would we talk about? A girl named Chandini moved from Fiji last year and now lives here in Kilkenny. In Fiji, she was trained to be a beautician. She spent her night doing up-do's and THREADING MY EYEBROWS!
My eyebrows being threaded. And everyone watching.
The Sleepover Girls!
Hannah (David's daughter) and Kelly (Hannah's best friend) did an awesome mime type thing to Casting Crowns' song "Does Anybody Hear Her." It was incredibly moving. They did a great job. We watched "Step Up" and then headed to sleep.
Wednesday- Staff Meeting at the church. Lunch. We did Keep Kilkenny Beautiful, where we picked up "rubbish" for a couple of hours. We looked awesome, I'll just be honest.
Wednesday night, Suzy and I made Pizza Casserole for dinner and then chilled at home for the evening.
That's cutting it a little close to the chin, not gonna lie.
Thursday- It was a great morning of just enjoying each other's company and spending time in the Word. Thursday afternoon, we had The Rock Bible Study. It's a time for The Rock Committee to come and spend some time studying God's Word as they prepare to be a witness to the rest of Kilkenny's teens. We had a really good discussion time, and loved hanging out.
Friday- Staff meeting. Door-to-door Evangelism. I was extremely nervous and anxious about it, but Tom (the church's evangelist) kept me with him the whole time. All I had to do was smile and say "Hey" in my American accent. Friday night, we went to The Rock. There were about a hundred teens there. We just hung out and talked. People threw around Caleb's American football, danced, and played a couple of group games.
The walk back is where the title of this blog comes from. Caleb and Brittany were walking in front of Suzy and I (Matt had the night off) and Caleb kept walking crooked, making Brittany walk really close to the street. We started laughing about it, and then I talked about being in 6th grade walking down the hall next to people and I'd always run into them. I said something along the lines of "I could never walk in a straight line. People should have known it was because I couldn't see straight!" They all got a good laugh out of it. It might be one of those you had to be there type of stories. But whatever. Laugh if you want. :)
This morning- Prayer meeting at the church. Then we went with some of the women of the church to have tea and scones at a cute cafe called Food Works. As I sat there with conversations all around me, I thought about the fact that I'M IN IRELAND! Three months ago, the thought of spending my summer here never would have crossed my mind. Three weeks ago, it was still unsure. Ireland was a place I wanted to visit, but I had never imagined being a part of a ministry here. The realization that by being here, by sitting in that cafe with those women was EXACTLY where God wants me to be was amazing. I mean, I know I'm always where He wants me to be. He's God. He can use me anywhere. But realizing that He got me here, that I am in Kilkenny, serving and getting to know these people because God wants me here completely blew my mind. It's a feeling I can't even describe. And I love it.
You need to explain WHY you slept until 10:45...because you had not been sleeping well since you arrived and found it difficult to do all you were doing on five hours a night! :)Good job backing off the tea. Love,Mom