Why is it that the time that I spend trying to do a paper seem like the perfect time to post a little something? Beats me.
Friday night, we had our Invisible Children screening here at Covenant. It went really really well. We had literally four rounds of posters go up throughout the month, made a Facebook event, and chalked campus the night before. Needless to say it was very well advertised. The Deep South Roadies came, along with Norman and Comfort, two Ugandans. It was so awesome to hear them speak and to hang out afterwords. Of course my camera battery was dead, and I didn't get any pictures of us at Sonic in the middle of the night. Bummer.
Saturday we hung out with the Roadies. At breakfast (which extended into lunch) we sat with Norman and he told us all about American history. It was pretty awesome. He's 71, and has been a history and music teacher in Uganda for years and years. He told us about our own country's history, and told us that the nation's history plays a part into who we are as people. He's right. Then he told us stories of hunting barefooted with spears and going to school for the first time when he was young. It was a conversation that will never be forgotten. Comfort is awesome, hands down. She is hilarious, and was so much fun to get to know. She is a huge encouragement, and it was a blessing to spend time with her. She gave me a bracelet that she had gotten from another school, because she had more than one and I told her that I wanted one like it. It was just one of those rubber-y ones. It's red and says, "My heart is beeping." Perfect IC quote. I love Comfort, and she will always be in my thoughts and prayers.
Saturday afternoon, we headed over to Nashville. It was an adventure from the start, trying to navigate through the rain and finding where to go once we got to Belmont's campus. We volunteered to help out with the Sleepout to End Malaria. It was a fantastic event held in multiple cities around the country by Nothing But Nets, the United Nations Foundation, and The Brave/When the Night Comes. We got there and were super excited, but nothing went according to plan. Thank you weather.
We couldn't sleep there because there were tornadoes in the area. We had to push it out of our minds until later because we had to be ready to do whatever we were asked. Things ended up being awesome. We set up a table in a parking garage, and tons and tons of people signed the petition as they came out of The Best of the Best (a Belmont showcase.) Then some of the artists from the showcase played and sang for us. It was a great night. As we were leaving to head back to Covenant, I got a text saying, "Tornado watch. Get thyself to the Catacombs!" Grrrreat. We ended up going to Waffle House with some people from the Sleepout, waited the storms out, and headed back to Covenant. I finally fell into bed at 5:20ish, only to be awakened by a terrifying dream about a massive spider and my heart going a million miles a minute. We won't talk about that.
Today, we had a Founders picnic at Coolidge. It was great fun, fellowship, and worship. I love the community I live in.
Now, I am working on a paper. It's not going very well. Obviously. I'm writing here instead.