Jun 16, 2010

Can't sleep.

I can't sleep.

I left my apartment because there are too many spiders, so I'm sleeping at my parents' house. My room is in the process of being painted (and my that, I mean I am in the process of painting my room) and it's not finished yet (I haven't finished it,) so I'm sleeping in Amy's room. She's at the beach. I still can't sleep.

Yesterday, David sent out an email update. He put what he wrote on his Facebook as well. Read it. It breaks my heart, and his as well. It's a good reminder that there are things much bigger than paying off tuition debt, trying to get out of the country for a bit this summer, and painting my room going on in this world. Things that I fight for during school, but tend to put in the back of my mind during summer. (Check out the Human Wrong Initiative.)

The day before that, Rachael called me from Uganda. Could I please tell you that this made my day? Let's be real. I cried. Please read her blog. She's phenomenal, and has such a huge heart for the work she is doing this summer.

This is a very link filled blog. And I feel like lately, I've only been blogging about my friends. Pathetic? Yes, probably. But I love them, and therefore feel as though they are blog-worthy. Not to mention, prayers for them would be great.

I'll go try to sleep. You check out these links.

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