Jul 12, 2010


I have struggled with anxiety since I was born. No, really. Since I was born. I have prayed about it, been to counseling about it, talked with older and wiser people, talked with friends. I have done everything in my power to break myself of this habit. After coming to college, I thought it was gone. I gained confidence in myself. I "figured out who I was," I guess you could say. I stopped worrying.

That is, until today. It all came crashing into my head at once. Relationships, work, school, tuition, "OhmygoshIonlyhavetwoyearsleftwhatamIgoingtodowithmyLIFE?!"

I would love to end this post with something like, "Well I will just trust in God. It's easy. Goodnight." No, that's not what you're getting. I want to control it. I want to fix it all. I want to figure everything out. I know that I can't, but I want to. I also know that I'm too stubborn to let go, and I will fight until I'm exhausted and can't fight anymore. Grrrreat.


  1. Get some sleep. Come pick me up at the airport. We'll get ice cream and drive back and talk about it. Not that it will make it disappear of course, but at least you'll be able to have someone to vent to! Love you dear.

  2. rachael is a wise girl. be sure to do just that.
