Sep 30, 2010

20th Century.

I've always enjoyed studying history. I love learning about different countries and how they got to where they are today. I especially enjoy studying the World Wars and the events surrounding them. Because of this, I was eager to begin my 20th Century World History class this semester. It's part of Covenant's core curriculum, and I was looking forward to learning the material.

Until now. When I'm studying for my dang exam that I have in the morning. There is so. much. material. I kind of can't wrap my mind around it. But, there are distractions like the new Sufjan Stevens album that I have playing in the background, the Invisible Children meeting I have in 45 minutes, and really wanting to go on my run right. now.

On the plus side, I spent some time looking up all of the classes I have left in college. I will take 18 hours in the Spring and 12 hours in the Fall. And then I am done. So excited!

Sep 22, 2010


The world is broken. Obviously. And I am so ready for Jesus to come back I can't even begin to explain it. My heart longs for his return, and to be living in his presence with the body of believers. Selfishly, I have asked him multiple times to come back "right. now." over the past few days. Seeing my own brokenness and that of other people is so hard, and quite honestly, painful.

But, God is the ultimate healer. He loves, cares, and gives grace to us when we don't deserve it. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to wake up, get ready, and have my cup of coffee. I am thankful that I have roommates that I love and that love me back. I am thankful for my Allie, who came to intentionally pour into me. (And by intentionally, I mean she wouldn't let me ask about her. I could only talk about me.) And while I'm at it, I'm thankful for my girls in my small group, who laugh and giggle and encourage me through that. My Lyss, who will drink coffee any time of the day with me. My Virg, who will let me flop on her day bed and make me yummy orange tea. My Rachel and my Rachael my other Rachel, that are just wonderful parts of my day. My Katie, who answers when I call her to just talk. My Melissa who pours into my life.

This post has gone a completely different direction than I was planning. But whatever. I write a lot about the people that I care about. And rightly so. I care about them. These women are part of my life, and I think the world of them. Good thing I write for myself.