Sep 30, 2010

20th Century.

I've always enjoyed studying history. I love learning about different countries and how they got to where they are today. I especially enjoy studying the World Wars and the events surrounding them. Because of this, I was eager to begin my 20th Century World History class this semester. It's part of Covenant's core curriculum, and I was looking forward to learning the material.

Until now. When I'm studying for my dang exam that I have in the morning. There is so. much. material. I kind of can't wrap my mind around it. But, there are distractions like the new Sufjan Stevens album that I have playing in the background, the Invisible Children meeting I have in 45 minutes, and really wanting to go on my run right. now.

On the plus side, I spent some time looking up all of the classes I have left in college. I will take 18 hours in the Spring and 12 hours in the Fall. And then I am done. So excited!

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