Yogi Breathe Deep Tea.
Celebration of a new relationship on the hall.
Fog rolling in through my open windows.
Rain drizzling through the fog.
Jónsi Go Live.
"We are called to be radically different, but not radically separate." Dr. Peter Slade.
I came home yesterday and played catch up on the day with Anna Clare. She asked how church was, and my response was, "It was good. The sermon was good. It was on 1 Corinthians 13:4. You know. Grace. Love. The usual."
As soon as those words escaped my mouth, I stopped. "The usual. The USUAL?! Really?" This conversation continued, and we discussed "the usual." I am blessed to live in a community where I hear the Gospel every. single. say. I hear it in class. I hear it in chapel. I hear it from my friends. I read it in my Bible. I get it every day. The Gospel has become "the usual." It is not "the usual." It is the most amazing sacrifice ever made, the most amazing gift ever given.
My understanding of grace and love are greater this semester than last, greater today than yesterday. I hope that this continues. That my understanding grows, and that I don't view hearing these things as "the usual."
Just some thoughts.
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