Mar 15, 2011

So. Much. To. Do.

Read for Science.
Read for Youth Ministry.
Plan small group.
Work out.
Don't break down.
Find Ugandan games that can be played at Move for Uganda.
Find a band willing to play at Move for Uganda.
Do laundry from spring break.
Write my Philosophy of Youth Ministry.
Edit my resume.
Drink more coffee.
Did I mention don't break down?
Send emails.
Write thank you notes for spring break.
Write my Scotland support letter.
Have dinner with Allie. (PS, she's going to Vienna with World Harvest for the summer!)

This doesn't all need to be finished today. Thankfully.

Clearly, I should not be spending time blogging.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you're a busy lady! as per usual. jodrex knows of a lot of local bands that might be able to fit your need for 'move for uganda'...if you want to talk to him (or want me to talk to him!) let me know! i can do some scrounging.
