Jun 23, 2010

Middle School.

I have taken classes, read books, had meetings, and have been approved by the session.

I am Covenant Presbyterian Church's Middle School Intern.


I was in middle school once. It was weird. I was also very influenced by the women in my life at that time, and I know that it is a very crucial three years of development in every aspect of the word "development."

I am excited, nervous, terrified, overwhelmed (sort of) all rolled in to one. But mostly excited. I think.

Jun 17, 2010


I'm painting my room. It was orange, and is now in the process of becoming blue.

It will be lovely.

Jun 16, 2010

Can't sleep.

I can't sleep.

I left my apartment because there are too many spiders, so I'm sleeping at my parents' house. My room is in the process of being painted (and my that, I mean I am in the process of painting my room) and it's not finished yet (I haven't finished it,) so I'm sleeping in Amy's room. She's at the beach. I still can't sleep.

Yesterday, David sent out an email update. He put what he wrote on his Facebook as well. Read it. It breaks my heart, and his as well. It's a good reminder that there are things much bigger than paying off tuition debt, trying to get out of the country for a bit this summer, and painting my room going on in this world. Things that I fight for during school, but tend to put in the back of my mind during summer. (Check out the Human Wrong Initiative.)

The day before that, Rachael called me from Uganda. Could I please tell you that this made my day? Let's be real. I cried. Please read her blog. She's phenomenal, and has such a huge heart for the work she is doing this summer.

This is a very link filled blog. And I feel like lately, I've only been blogging about my friends. Pathetic? Yes, probably. But I love them, and therefore feel as though they are blog-worthy. Not to mention, prayers for them would be great.

I'll go try to sleep. You check out these links.

Jun 13, 2010


My friends truly mean the world to me. And right now, they are all over the world. Each of them are involved in different things, most of them being ministry. I have been very discontent lately, honestly being jealous of where everyone is and why I'm not gone too. But I am recognizing that God can use me right where I am. I am able to spend so much time in prayer for my sweet friends while I'm working, because cleaning is so mindless. Since I can only communicate with them through email and Facebook, I don't know how my prayers are being answered. I know that God is working in them and through them, and I can't wait to see them when they come home.

Katie- Panama City, Florida. She's doing Beach Project for Campus Outreach. She is leading a room of girls, and is working long and crazy hours at McDonald's. Through that, she and the girls that live with her are able to be a witness to those that they work with and those they come in contact with.

Rachael- Mbarara, Uganda. She is there working with a girls' program, working to teach them about the Lord and how to serve in their community. She has told me that she feel so comfortable there, and I'm so happy for her. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't end up there permanently.

Virginia- Alaska/Yukon, Canada. She's traveling around doing Vacation Bible Schools and ministering to people in villages. She gets to live in perpetual sunshine and cooler weather. Jealous.

David- Bangkok, Thailand. He's there with MTW, doing campus ministry on the local college campus. All I've gotten so far is that he's playing music, which is perfect for him. I know that he's doing much more, and it's great.

Micah- The Middle East. He was studying abroad in Turkey, and has just recently met up with a group from home on a missions trip in Beirut. Then I think he's going to Jordan? I don't know, but it's awesome. Things fell into place for him to be right where he is, and I am praying that God does amazing things through him.

Baxter- Jordan. He's there for a month for an archeological dig with Wofford. He's going back to study abroad in the fall. Something amazing will happen, trust me.

Sarah- Peru. She's studying abroad, and is the only Christian she knows. I can't imagine how difficult it has been, but I pray that God will use this to draw her closer to him... That when she looks back on it, it will be a sweet time for her relationship with him.

Ellie- Uganda. She will be working in displacement camps, and then hanging out with Invisible Children for a few days. She has a huge heart for the country, and for the work that God is doing there.

Rachael- Ghana. She's going with West Point to do a community development sort of thing for women. It's awesome.

Regan- Duluth, Georgia. She's working at Camp All American at Perimeter Church. This is an awesome outreach to the community, and she get to interact with kids of all ages all. the. time.

Anna Clare and Crystal- They're at Camp Westminster, rockin' being counselors. They both love that place, and I'm so glad they're there. Liz and Allie are also camp counselors. So many people are doing that I can't even name them all. It's great.

Lisa- She's going on a cruise to Italy. It will be so fun.

Me- I'm cleaning. All summer. At Covenant. I'm also interning with Covenant Presbyterian's youth group. Hopefully that will pick up more soon. And hopefully I will see how God is using me. Soon?

Jun 4, 2010

It's one of THOSE nights.

I can't sleep. I can't think straight. I can't process what's going on in my head.

Why not?