Jul 20, 2013


I am marrying my best friend today. And I can hardly wait.

Jul 11, 2013


today, we are on the way to st. louis to celebrate virginia and kevin's wedding. i am so excited to be a part of their wedding and blessed to have had the opportunity to see their relationship grow into what God has made it today. let the festivities begin! (if we ever get there... longest. road trip. ever.)

saturday after their wedding, we head to chattanooga for our wedding week craziness to start! it's so exciting i can hardly contain it. but let's be real. if you saw me, you would think that i was not excited at all. today, exhaustion is winning over excitement. i tend to procrastinate, which means that last night i didn't sleep. instead, i was trying to put finishing touches on our apartment and pack for Josiah and for myself for virginia's wedding, our wedding week, and our honeymoon. as far as i know, we have everything but josiah's wedding tie. we aren't super positive what we will do about that yet, but do not fear. he will wear a tie in our wedding.

i am the most exhausted i have ever been. the most stressed out. the most ready to cry at the drop of a hat. but i am also the happiest, most excited, and most overjoyed i have ever been. God has been so gracious to us in this time, and has drawn josiah and i closer to him and to each other. we are praying that is how the next nine days go, too.

then, after wedding, MEXICO. TOGETHER. nothing sounds better than the beach with my love right now.

i can't wait for next week. i can't wait for josiah to be my husband. i can't wait for my best friends to be in chattanooga with me. i can't wait for my family to come in town. i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait!