Sep 21, 2012

Aaaand I'm back.

I arrived in Scotland on Wednesday afternoon with 4 suitcases, 2 dozen krispy kreme donuts, and so much excitement. Anna and Fiona were at the airport, and we got coffee first thing. It was a beautiful day, and the drive back to Fort William was great.

Found lots of hugs and kisses and this at the manse:

Irn Bru, fairy cakes (like cupcakes but smaller), Galaxy bars and Haribos.

Prayer meeting was wonderful, and the singing of Psalm 100 gives me chills every time. I can't even begin to explain this church. When they come together to pray, there is no doubt that they are united as a body of believers coming before their Savior. 

Jet lag is worse today than it was yesterday, even though I slept for almost 12 hours last night. It's almost lunch time, and I've sat here trying to figure out what to say in this blog post for far too long. So. I'll leave you with the view that I enjoyed during my morning run (if it's possible to enjoy anything during a morning run): 

Thanks for reading. Thanks for praying. 

Sep 11, 2012

Scotland Update: This is real life.

I am so overwhelmed. In the best and most beautifully wonderful way possible.

One week from today, I am leaving for Fort William.

I can't even explain how excited I am to be leaving. I have prayed for this for over a year. I have the privilege of being able to live with and love the people of Kilmallie Free Church. As I type this, I'm getting teary and I feel like my heart might burst from joy.

God has said go. He has provided. And I am going.

Please be praying for me as I prepare to leave.
Pray that God will prepare my heart to serve.
That he will give me the ability to be fully there.
That I will love more deeply.
That he will use me to show the Gospel to every person that I come in contact with.

Pray for Kilmallie Free Church.
That it will grow.
That God will change hearts and minds.
That people will deeply desire to know him.

I am not at 100% of my support, so I will only be staying as long as my finances allow. God's timing and provision is perfect, and I am trusting that he knows exactly how long I need to be there.

I am going. This is real life.

Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. Thank you for reading this. I am humbled beyond belief. Thank you.