Jan 22, 2014

snow day.

Y'all, it snowed yesterday. Allll day. Josiah stayed here and worked from home, and I slept late. I woke up to Josiah bringing me the best breakfast in bed.

We ventured out and went to market for milk and eggs. No one was driving and the sidewalks were caked in snow. My face felt like it was going to freeze, but J got a smile (forced much?) out of me anyway.

We came back and he worked the rest of the day. I did a little work for church, distracted Josiah, and cleaned.

He's just too cute to leave alone.

Here are a few photos of all that snow from our apartment windows:

It's a warm 8 degrees today, so none of this stuff is going anywhere any time soon!

Jan 15, 2014

food for thought. literally.

complicated orders.

welcome to this month.

we have been doing the whole30, and we feel amazing. once i got the chocolate cake out of my head and could focus on cooking things like veggies and grass fed meat, i've gained a deep appreciation for whole foods. josiah and i both think better, function better, sleep better, and our clothes fit better. when we started, i was just counting down the days until it was over. i have to admit, i cheated, but the chocolate wasn't worth it. i felt horrible and i decided to commit to making a lifestyle change, not just a thirty day change. it's been so hard, but so good.

we'll see how this goes as we continue!