Jun 23, 2011

The Little Things, Number Seven. Scotland Edition.

50. The view of Ben Nevis from where I'm sitting.

51. Running on the Caledonian Canal.

52. The cool weather.

53. Cute boots for the cool weather... in June.

54. Edinburgh. I'm in love.

55. Wonderful people.

56. "Would you like a tea or a coffee?" "Yes."

57. Mint Magnum Ice Cream Bars.

58. Sarah Young's Jesus Calling devotional

59. Skype.

60. Being pushed into situations, and watching God use me and work through me in those situations.

61. Growth.

62. Scones and shortbread.

63. Have I said wonderful people? I'm saying it again.

64. Jalepenos in Scotland.

65. Car trips.

66. Clean rooms.

67. Hanging laundry on the line.

68. Answered prayers.

69. Moleskine journals.

70. Psalms sung a capella.

71. Diving into the book of Esther with fantastic girls.

72. Knowing that I have friends all over the world, serving the same God that I am.



Soul Virgins

Mere Christianity

Dr. Who

Wimbledon. Andy Murray for the win.


Bon Iver-Bon Iver

Coldplay- Every Teardorp is a Waterfall


Nutella on toast. Every morning for breakfast.


Starbucks VIA.

Anna found it at Morrison's, and got it for me to hold me over until we got to the nearest Starbucks (in Inverness) to stock up.

Jun 6, 2011

Bonny Scotland.

The Caledonian Canal on my morning run.

The bridge in the first Harry Potter movie that you see when they are on their way to Hogwarts.

My flights were long, but seeing this made them very worth it.

Fort William is beaufitul. When it isn't covered in fog, I can see Ben Nevis from the window behind the computer.

I have loved the time I've had here so far. Everyone has been very welcoming, and I'm excited to get to know the congregation better. Tonight I will be leading a small group for the high school age girls on Esther. There will be coffee and tea, and hopefully lots of laughs and discussion.

Thank you for your prayers!