Jan 31, 2011

Thoughts from Breathing Deep.

Yogi Breathe Deep Tea.
Celebration of a new relationship on the hall.
Fog rolling in through my open windows.
Rain drizzling through the fog.
Jónsi Go Live.

"We are called to be radically different, but not radically separate." Dr. Peter Slade.

I came home yesterday and played catch up on the day with Anna Clare. She asked how church was, and my response was, "It was good. The sermon was good. It was on 1 Corinthians 13:4. You know. Grace. Love. The usual."

As soon as those words escaped my mouth, I stopped. "The usual. The USUAL?! Really?" This conversation continued, and we discussed "the usual." I am blessed to live in a community where I hear the Gospel every. single. say. I hear it in class. I hear it in chapel. I hear it from my friends. I read it in my Bible. I get it every day. The Gospel has become "the usual." It is not "the usual." It is the most amazing sacrifice ever made, the most amazing gift ever given.

My understanding of grace and love are greater this semester than last, greater today than yesterday. I hope that this continues. That my understanding grows, and that I don't view hearing these things as "the usual."

Just some thoughts.

Jan 29, 2011




Listening to:

Jan 26, 2011


I have an announcement to make!

(Get excited.)

I will be spending the month of June here:

Kilmallie Free Church of Scotland.

Kilmallie Free Church of Scotland's view from their front door.
(Photos from the church's Facebook page)
More details to come!

Jan 20, 2011

The Little Things, Number Five.

29. Fog rolling in on this mountain, and swirling in the streetlights at night.

30. World Religions class.

31. My first cup of [good] coffee while sitting in a morning class of the semester.

32. My family.

33. The Founders community.

34. Uncertainty of the future.

35. A good work out.

36. My blue argyle camelbak water bottle.

37. Spontaneous trips to World Market.

38. Being reminded of the Gospel every. single. day. More than once per day.

Jan 18, 2011

Baby Sister.

Happy 17th Birthday, Baby Sister!

I love you!

Jan 17, 2011


I've decided I'm going to start posting "currently."

I hear music in seasons. I have my Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn bands, and they do not overlap. I also have my season-crossover bands and my select few all-the-time bands. Books go more with seasons of life: school, something I desire to learn more about, or desiring an escape from the real world. The same goes for TV shows (affected more by my spare time then actual seasons of the year) and movies. I enjoy all four. Here goes.


Listening to:
The Civil Wars


TV Watching:

Movie Watching:

Jan 16, 2011

Christmas Picture.

Remember that cousins photo shoot I told you about?

Best one.

Jan 13, 2011

Afternoon Tea.

Today was one of four snow days that Covenant College has given us this week. I have spent my time reading Harry Potter, going on snow hikes, watching countless movies, drinking tea, eating soup, and doing P90X once per day (hah).

Today was my favorite of these snow days.

Today, Allie and Hannah came to visit Anna Clare and I. We had afternoon tea.

Today, I finished Harry Potter.

Today, was wonderful.

Jan 6, 2011

welcome home. ish.

Covenant. Lawrenceville. Covenant. Ringgold/Chattanooga (Tennessee). Buford. Atlanta. Savannah. Winder. Auburn. Hoschton. Montgomery (Alabama). Macon. Lawrenceville. Ringgold/Chattanooga.

At least I wasn't bored over break.

I spent precious time with family. I had a psych marathon. I heard stories from the middle east. I had hard conversations. I received word that I may be placed far out of my comfort zone for the summer, but could learn to love well. I celebrated the marriage of two wonderful, godly people. I made reese's s'mores and watched Muppet Treasure Island for the first time. I shared meals with close friends, new friends, and old friends. I furthered my relationship with a certain Harry Potter, enjoying using my suppressed imagination. I giggled. I shopped. I shared coffee on back porches and cookie dough on couches.

I came home at 5 p.m. I spent time talking with my family, and then to small group with my 11 and 12-year-old girls. Although I was unprepared, our time of catch-up and prayer was sweet.

Time to read. Time to sit on my own back porch, by myself, and drink coffee. Time to settle.

I will unpack, only to repack and head back to Covenant on Monday to begin my senior year of college. Oh my.