May 10, 2013


Change. Lots of it. Maybe - almost - too much.

From Fort William to Chattanooga.
From living alone to living with my family.
From beautiful hills to beautiful hills - beautiful in a different kind of way.
The birds sound different.
The dial tones and rings on the phone sound different.
The accents sound different.

I've had almost too much Mexican food. Too much Chick-fil-A. Too much Starbucks.
Not enough cups of tea.

Change is hard for me.

Josiah got a job at HOPE International, the only place he wants to work. We are so excited to be moving to Lancaster, Pennsylvania!

He will start work at the beginning of June.
Bring on long-distance, round three.

Pray for us as we plan our life together. As we try and figure out apartments, car insurance, budgeting.
And please pray for me as I process all of this change.

Life is hard. It is almost always hard in one way or another. But it's always good. God is in it, so there is always good to be found in the hard. There is always reason to celebrate, reason to be joyful. He is alive and at work.

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.